A trip to the ocean.

Fins Fish Market
Rebranding + Advertisement Campaign

The Challenge.

Mazal fish has transformed significantly since its humble beginning twenty years ago. They gradually evolved into the trusted fish provider for the local clientele.
Encouraged by their huge fan base in Monroe, they partnered with a fish store in Monsey offering their legendary service and selection to the Monsey consumers, too.
Analyzing their brand's evolvement, they realized that they have completely outgrown their visual dating over two decades. They have come a long way and required a brand that represents their new selves accurately.

The Solution.

With Its unique blend of ultra-modern and super clean, fins’ brand identity perfectly communicates a voice that’s professional yet un-complicating. It’s super simple yet super bold. With ample negative space, straight forward messages and bold typography, fins designs demand instant attention while bringing the message right home.

Blue was the obvious color choice for brand recognition of the fish and sea industry. Since darker shades are viewed as serious and bright shades more juvenile, we chose a bold mid-tone hue that walks the perfect balance, setting a mood that’s personable yet professional.

Omnes- A perfectly round sans serif font, reflects the simple straightforward brand voice. Its slightly curled edges mirror ocean waves and seamlessly blend the fish’s tail with the rest of the logo.
A distinctive pattern of waves set’s the brand apart while bringing on a sea like adventure. It blends beautifully with the round wave like font. This pattern is mimicked throughout the brand designs to offer life and personality to an otherwise solid face.
